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Differences between a report and an essay
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  • 内容介绍:
    Main differences between a report and an essay
      Report Essay
    Purpose to convey specific information to show how well you have understood the question and how well you are able to answer it
    Purpose to present information, data, results of research to present an argument or ideas in response to the essay question
    Reader is meant to be read quickly is meant to be read carefully
    Structure/Style is structured into sections with different headings is structured as an argument in one piece of prose, with clear Introduction, Body and Conclusion
    Format/Style uses numbered headings and sub-headings does not usually use numbered sections
    Referencing may not need in-text citations and bibliography/reference list (depending on type of report) always needs in-text citations and bibliography/reference list
    Structure/Style uses short, concise paragraphs and bullet-points where applicable links ideas into cohesive paragraphs
    Visuals/Style uses visuals wherever necessary (tables, graphs, illustrations) rarely uses visuals
    Style/Writing may be written using a mixture of styles Is usually written in one (formal) style
    Structure may need an abstract (sometimes called an executive summary) will only need an abstract if very long, or if tutor asks for one
    Structure often contain several conclusions, depending on the terms of reference( aims and purposes) will contain a conclusion which answers the question
    Structure may end with recommendations and/or appendices seldom has recommendations or appendices



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