Psychology 12th Edition - Carole Wade
To Howard, whose support has made it all possible. Carole Wade For Ronan, in loving memory. Carol Tavris
Twelfth Edition
Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York City San Francisco
Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montréal Toronto
Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo
Carole Wade
Dominican University of California
Carol Tavris
Alan Swinkels, Contributor
St. Edward’s University
1 What Is Psychology? 1
2 How Psychologists Do Research 34
3 Genes, Evolution, and Environment 71
4 The Brain and Nervous System 101
5 Body Rhythms and Mental States 141
6 Sensation and Perception 177
7 Learning and Conditioning 221
8 Behavior in Social and Cultural Context 259
9 Thinking and Intelligence 301
10 Memory 339
11 Emotion, Stress, and Health 379
12 Motivation 418
13 Development over the Lifespan 457
14 Theories of Personality 499
15 Psychological Disorders 537
16 Approaches to Treatment and Therapy 581