Background Information: Anne Frank (1929-1945), a young Jewishgirl whose family moved from Germany to Amsterdam to escapeHitler’s regime, was given a diary on her 13th birthday, June 12th, 1942.By the time that she received the diary, though, Hitler’s army hadalready begun its invasion of the Netherlands, and Frank’s first entriesreflect the increasing restrictions that Jewish people in Amsterdam hadto endure. On July 6th, less than a month after Anne started writing, theFrank family left their home and went into hiding in the annex of anoffice building. They remained there for more than two years, untilAugust 1944, when German troops discovered the family and sentthem to concentration camps. Only Anne’s father survived. After thechaos of the family’s arrest, the Dutch co-workers who helped hide theFranks found Anne’s diaries and gave them to Anne’s father, Otto,after he was freed.