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Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3rd Edition by John Bessant
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Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3rd Edition by John Bessant


1. Cover
2. Series Page
3. Title Page
4. Copyright
5. Preface to Third Edition
6. Acknowledgements
7. How to Use This Book
8. Part I: Entrepreneurial Goals and Context
1. Chapter 1: The Innovation Imperative
1. Innovation Matters
2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
3. Innovation Isn't Easy!
4. Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship
5. Dimensions of Innovation: What Can We Change?
6. A Process Model for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
7. How Can We Make Change Happen?
8. What, Why and When: The Challenge of Innovation Strategy
9. Chapter Summary
10. Key Terms Defined
11. Discussion Questions
12. Further Reading and Resources
13. References
2. Chapter 2: Social Innovation
1. What Is ‘Social Innovation'?
2. Different Players
3. Motivation: Why Do It?
4. Enabling Social Innovation
5. The Challenges of Social Entrepreneurship
6. Chapter Summary
7. Key Terms Defined
8. Discussion Questions
9. Further Reading and Resources
10. References
3. Chapter 3: Innovation, Globalization and Development
1. Globalization of Innovation
2. National Systems of Innovation
3. Building Capabilities and Creating Value
4. Building BRICs: The Rise of New Players on the Innovation
5. Innovation for Development
6. Chapter Summary
7. Key Terms Defined
8. Discussion Questions
9. Further Reading and Resources
10. References
4. Chapter 4: Sustainability-led Innovation
1. The Challenge of Sustainability-led Innovation
2. We've Seen This Before
3. Sustainability-led Innovation
4. A Framework Model for Sustainability-led Innovation
5. Managing the Innovation Process for Sustainability
6. Responsible Innovation
7. Chapter Summary
8. Key Terms Defined
9. Discussion Questions
10. Further Reading and Resources
11. References
9. Part II: Recognizing the Opportunity
1. Chapter 5: Entrepreneurial Creativity
1. Introduction
2. What Is Creativity?
3. Creativity as a Process
4. (Why, When and Where) Does Creativity Matter?
5. Who Is Creative?
6. How to Enable Creativity
7. Putting It All Together: Developing Entrepreneurial Creativity
8. Chapter Summary
9. Key Terms Defined
10. Discussion Questions
11. Further Reading and Resources
12. References
2. Chapter 6: Sources of Innovation
1. Introduction
2. Knowledge Push
3. Need Pull...
4. Making Processes Better
5. Whose Needs? Working at the Edge
6. Emerging New Markets at ‘the Base of the Pyramid'
7. Crisis-driven Innovation
8. Towards Mass Customization
9. Users as Innovators
10. Watching Others – and Learning from Them
11. Recombinant Innovation
12. Regulation
13. Futures and Forecasting
14. Design-driven Innovation
15. Accidents
16. Chapter Summary
17. Key Terms Defined
18. Discussion Questions
19. Further Reading and Resources
20. References
3. Chapter 7: Search Strategies for Innovation
1. Making Sense of the Sources
2. What?
3. When?
4. Where? The Innovation Treasure Hunt
5. How?
6. Who?
7. Open Innovation
8. Learning to Search
9. Chapter Summary
10. Key Terms Defined
11. Discussion Questions
12. Further Reading and Resources
13. References
10. Part III: Finding the Resources
1. Chapter 8: Building the Case
1. Developing the Business Plan
2. Forecasting Innovation
3. Assessing Risk and Recognizing Uncertainty
4. Anticipating the Resources
5. Chapter Summary
6. Key Terms Defined
7. Discussion Questions
8. Further Reading and Resources
9. References
2. Chapter 9: Leadership and Teams
1. Individual Characteristics
2. Entrepreneurial Teams
3. Context and Climate
4. Chapter Summary
5. Key Terms Defined
6. Discussion Questions
7. Further Reading and Resources
8. References
3. Chapter 10: Exploiting Networks
1. No Man Is an Island. . .
2. The Spaghetti Model of Innovation
3. Types of Innovation Networks
4. Networks as Purposeful Constructions
5. Chapter Summary
6. Key Terms Defined
7. Discussion Questions
8. Further Reading and Resources
9. References
11. Part IV: Developing the Venture
1. Chapter 11: Developing New Products and Services
1. The New Product/Service Development Process
2. Success Factors
3. Service Development
4. Tools to Support New Product Development
5. Chapter Summary
6. Key Terms Defined
7. Discussion Questions
8. Further Reading and Resources
9. References
2. Chapter 12: Creating New Ventures
1. Types of New Venture
2. Context for Entrepreneurship
3. Process and Stages for Creating a New Venture
4. Assessing the Opportunity
5. Developing the Business Plan
6. Acquiring the Resources and Funding
7. Crowdfunding
8. Chapter Summary
9. Key Terms Defined
10. Discussion Questions
11. Further Reading and Resources
12. References
3. Chapter 13: Developing Businesses and Talent through Corporate
1. Internal Venturing and Entrepreneurship
2. Why Do It?
3. Managing Corporate Ventures
4. Strategic Impact of Ventures
5. Chapter Summary
6. Key Terms Defined
7. Discussion Questions
8. Further Reading and Resources
9. References
4. Chapter 14: Growing the Enterprise
1. Factors Influencing Success
2. Funding
3. Growth and Performance of New Ventures
4. Chapter Summary
5. Key Terms Defined
6. Discussion Questions
7. Further Reading and Resources
8. References
12. Part V: Creating Value
1. Chapter 15: Exploiting Knowledge and Intellectual Property
1. Innovation and Knowledge
2. Generating and Acquiring Knowledge
3. Identifying and Codifying Knowledge
4. Storing and Retrieving Knowledge
5. Sharing and Distributing Knowledge
6. Exploiting Intellectual Property
7. Chapter Summary
8. Key Terms Defined
9. Discussion Questions
10. Further Reading and Resources
11. References
2. Chapter 16: Business Models and Capturing Value
1. What's a Business Model?
2. Why Use Business Models?
3. What's in a Business Model?
4. Business Model Innovation
5. Generic and Specific Business Models
6. Building a Business Model
7. Chapter Summary
8. Key Terms Defined
9. Discussion Questions
10. Further Reading and Resources
11. References
3. Chapter 17: Learning to Manage Innovation and Entrepreneurship
1. Introduction
2. Making Innovation Happen
3. Learning and Building Capability
4. How Learning Happens
5. Recognizing the Opportunity
6. Finding the Resources
7. Developing the Venture
8. Innovation Strategy: Having a Clear Sense of Direction
9. Building an Innovative Organization
10. Networking for Innovation
11. Learning to Manage Innovation
12. Getting Fit for Innovation
13. Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship
14. Chapter Summary
15. Key Terms Defined
16. Discussion Questions
17. Further Reading and Resources
18. References
13. Index
14. End User License Agreement



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